Item's pw data: LastPass-generated or user-generated (yikes).Item's shared to an individual (yes / no).Item's attachment presence (actual attachment is encrypted) Given LastPass history with security incidents and considering the severity of this latest breach, nows a better time than ever to seek an alternative.

By Michael Kan Janu(Credit: LastPass) A LastPass user has. Next, navigate to that website, log in, and then go to the password change page.
Use the password generator to fill in a new password, and then save the new entry. Item's password is vulnerable (detected in a previous breach) Item's password is breached (unclear diff vs vulnerable The breach appears to have been of the development servers, facilitated by a compromise of a LastPass developer account and took place two weeks ago. The plaintiff blames LastPass for a loss of 53,000 in cryptocurrency, and putting his security and privacy at risk. For each entry in your spreadsheet, create the new entry in Bitwarden, copying the old fields from the spreadsheet.Unless the backups were not backing up actual vaults (but some other database backup), then these were apparently leaked, too, according to the stickied post in this subreddit. There's a lot more that's unecrypted, but LastPass didn't bother to add.